Blog posts of '2018' 'November'

Traffic Cones are a Multi-Purpose Safety Tool
Traffic Cones are a Multi-Purpose Safety Tool

Traffic cones are easily recognized as a common safety device worldwide. These brightly colored cones can be found almost anywhere, from construction zones and busy streets to shopping mall parking lots and athletic fields. They can even be seen indoors, along stairways and corridors where extra caution is called for.

Highly visible, durable, and portable, traffic and safety cones provide an immediate warning of potential danger. While cones are most commonly used as a traffic control device, they have become a multi-purpose safety tool that is useful in countless situations.

Traffic Safety Lighting Is Essential When Daylight Savings Time Ends
Traffic Safety Lighting Is Essential When Daylight Savings Time Ends

Turning back the clocks at the end of Daylight Savings Time means the sun goes down earlier and the days seem much shorter. Fewer hours of daylight also can mean more risks for drivers and pedestrians, as their ability to see clearly declines. Studies examining the impact of Daylight Savings Time show that driver performance deteriorates under poor lighting conditions due to issues like diminished reaction times and the ability to judge stopping distances.