Blog posts of '2019' 'July'

Rubber Curb Stops Are Ideal for Commercial and Home Use
Rubber Curb Stops Are Ideal for Commercial and Home Use

Car accidents that happen in places like parking lots and driveways can do tremendous damage to curbs, sidewalks, buildings, landscaping, and other cars – even when drivers are traveling at slow speeds. One way to prevent damage before it occurs is to use rubber curb stops.

Summer Clearance Sale: Save on Curb Stops, Speed Humps and More
Summer Clearance Sale: Save on Curb Stops, Speed Humps and More

From now through Labor Day, our Clearance Sale features a range of traffic safety products – all at 50% OFF regular price. We purchased another supplier’s inventory of GNR Technologies and Checkers products – including curb stops, wall protectors and speed hump items – and we need to liquidate our stock to make room for new fall merchandise.

Where Can You Place Yard Signs?
Where Can You Place Yard Signs?

Does your business or organization have a message to share with the community? When you are deciding on marketing tactics, consider using signs that can be placed in a yard or along a roadside.

Whether you are selling a home, promoting your landscaping business or inviting neighbors to your charity’s fundraising dinner, custom yard signs can be an effective tool for educating local residents about your products, promotions or events. Yard signs are not only eye-catching and easy to install, but they are one of the most economical forms of advertising available. But, you must know where you can and can’t place them so that you are in compliance with local ordinances.