Blog posts tagged with 'curb stop'

Rubber Curb Stops – Protect Against Damage Before It Occurs
Rubber Curb Stops – Protect Against Damage Before It Occurs

Accidents that happen in parking lots and garages are extremely common. According to the National Safety Council, more than 50,000 car crashes occur in parking lots and parking garages each year, resulting in more than 60,000 injuries.

Rubber Curb Stops Are Ideal for Commercial and Home Use
Rubber Curb Stops Are Ideal for Commercial and Home Use

Car accidents that happen in places like parking lots and driveways can do tremendous damage to curbs, sidewalks, buildings, landscaping, and other cars – even when drivers are traveling at slow speeds. One way to prevent damage before it occurs is to use rubber curb stops.

Summer Clearance Sale: Save on Curb Stops, Speed Humps and More
Summer Clearance Sale: Save on Curb Stops, Speed Humps and More

From now through Labor Day, our Clearance Sale features a range of traffic safety products – all at 50% OFF regular price. We purchased another supplier’s inventory of GNR Technologies and Checkers products – including curb stops, wall protectors and speed hump items – and we need to liquidate our stock to make room for new fall merchandise.

A Curb Stop Can Reduce Risk During The Last Few Feet Of Your Commute
A Curb Stop Can Reduce Risk During The Last Few Feet Of Your Commute

Navigating our car the last few feet, as we arrive at our destination, can be challenging. These last few moments can all too often end disastrously.

Some say this is because we lose focus on the details of our driving as we come to the end of our drive. We may subconsciously feel we have completed our commute. But, in reality, we are still moving as we enter the garage or parking space. The loss of mental focus together with the continuation of our vehicle's movement are an unhelpful combination.

Parking lot accidents are extremely common, as are accidents close to home. Automotive Fleet Magazine discusses the impact of this issue on Fleet Managers in their post Top 10 Things to Know About Parking Lot Collisions;

Dings and dents may not seem all that scary or stressful in the context of highway collisions and incidents. But, the fact is, collisions in parking lots are among the most common accidents fleets experience and can cost a company more time and money than fleet managers may realize

The result may be just dented fenders and minor damage to a building or a home garage. But, this can cost money and cause tremendous inconvenience. All of this can be avoided with some simple measures.

A curb stop or rubber parking stop can be an ideal solution for parking lots and garages, for both commercial or personal use.

A curb stop is different from a speed bump, which we have discussed in a previous post, Controlling Speed on Private Roads. A speed bump is designed to be placed in the middle of the road.  A car then needs to reduce its speed to comfortably go over a speed bump. The result is speed control in residential or commercial areas such as streets and parking lots.

A curb stop or rubber parking stop is different in that it effectively guides drivers as they enter a parking space. A curb stop can safely provide physical feedback to the driver to let them know when to stop the car and the boundaries of the parking spot.

Whether you run an outdoor commercial lot, manage a parking garage, or are a homeowner, this is an excellent solution to reduce those accidents that occur during the last few feet of a commute.

At Traffic Safety Direct, we offer a large selection of low-cost recycled rubber curb stops. More impact resistant than concrete or plastic curb stops, our rubber parking stops are an inexpensive and durable safety solution.

Prevent damage to your garage walls or demark a parking spot in the driveway with our Home Curb Stops

For more information, contact us at 888-260-3246