Blog posts tagged with 'driver safety'

Reflective Road Markers Improve Visibility and Driver Safety
Reflective Road Markers Improve Visibility and Driver Safety

For many of us, getting behind the wheel of a car is arguably the riskiest thing we do each day. And while the media is focused on the dangers of distracted driving, the truth is there are numerous factors that can increase or decrease the likelihood of getting into an accident.

More Accidents Happen After Dark
When it comes to driver safety, the time of day plays an important role. A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study found that most accidents occur between 6 and 9 p.m. This is due in part to hazards that are compounded at night. According to statistics, instances of drunk driving and speeding increase significantly after dark, and fatigue, inclement weather, and diminished vision also can make it more dangerous to be on the road at night.