Delineating Posts for Pedestrian and Driver Safety

Delineating Posts for Pedestrian and Driver Safety

The National Council of State Legislatures stated that there is an increase in the amount of Americans walking for transportation and recreation. With the increase of pedestrians walking  rather than driving to their destination, all actions must be taken to increase public safety. Attention to pedestrian safety is growing in importance.

The pedestrian must be protected when coming into close proximity of vehicular traffic patterns. One alternative is the In-street pedestrian crossing signs. Previously on this Blog, we discussed the value pedestrian crosswalk signs have for safety in road construction zones and, also, in permanent pedestrian crosswalks. Pedestrians can readily see the safe access within the traffic pattern. And, the motorist is made aware of the marked pedestrian crossing.

Delineator Posts

Delineator Posts are another alternative to protect both the pedestrian and the driver of the vehicle. These posts can be used to protect pedestrians and workers in construction or hazardous areas.

Delineator posts can also be used to clearly identify auto traffic patterns on high-speed roads in permanent locations.

There are several choices of plastic posts with bases for, both, temporary situations and permanent locations.

Diamond Style Top Post Reflective

These posts are bright orange with two 3" bands of reflective tape for improved daytime and nighttime visibility. They are designed for quick set-up in a limited-space area. These posts can withstand impacts and do not knock down or blow down easily

White Dome Top Delineator Post

These bright white posts have very similar benefits to the Diamond Style Post described above. These white dome posts are perfect for Valet Parking or other areas where a more sophisticated look is needed.

Tuff Post high performance channelizer

Tuff Post is a high performance channelizer designed to meet the harsh demands of high speed, high traffic areas. Tuff Post has been tested to sustain 50 impacts at 50 MPH with little damage to the unit and to the impacting vehicle, while remaining upright with no vertical listing.

Tuff Post is ideal for exit lane delineation, head-to-head traffic separation, urban turn restrictions, edge line delineation, or anywhere that durable, flexible, high performance channelization is required. Tuff Post’s patented reactive spring system ensures the post will return to its original position impact after impact, reducing replacement costs.

Flexi-Guide FG336UR Post Reflective

The Flexi-Guide FG336UR was developed for demanding high-speed, 2-way, 2-lane detour operations and has become the industry standard for toughness, impact resistance and long-lasting performance. It conforms to MUTCD and NCHRP 350 standards and features the unique clover-leaf design that allows tubular post to rebound time after time.

The Delineating Post is excellent for pedestrian safety, while also providing a great visual for the driver of a vehicle - keeping everyone safe in concentrated traffic zones.

If you are interested in learning more about the alternatives for delineating traffic posts, whether in a construction zone or a permanent traffic pattern, contact Traffic Safety Direct

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