The summer is coming to an end. That means the tornado and hurricane season is just around the corner. Now is the time that emergency response teams make final preparations for severe weather occurrences. But, that is not to say they have not been practicing all summer. Emergency response organizations often use summer charity events to ensure precision execution of their processes and procedures.
This hurricane season may be a memorable one. In the post The Weather Company Forecasts More Active Hurricane Season Than First Predicted, it is stated:
The Weather Company, an IBM Business, has raised the number of named storms it expects to develop in its latest 2017 Atlantic hurricane season outlook, warning of "higher-than-normal landfall risks in the northeast U.S."
In its final outlook update released Tuesday, The Weather Company said it now expects 17 named storms throughout the season, including nine hurricanes and four major hurricanes of Category 3 or greater intensity.
This forecast is above the Atlantic Basin's 30-year historical average of 12 named storms. The number of named storms does not necessarily have a direct correlation to the number of storms that hit the United States. In any case, we must always be prepared.
When these extreme weather events occur, emergency response organizations go to work. But, they have been preparing all summer. As we discussed in a previous post on this blog, the Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and HAM operators utilize the summer outdoor charity events, like a Bike Rally, to practice their processes and procedures. Who are these organizations?
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
CERTs are trained to be the First Responders in the case of a major disaster, such as a tornado or hurricane. They administer first aid and work in a coordinated fashion with the Fire and Police to make sure you have the best care you need. That is what they do - treat and triage.
CERT is an integral part of the Citizen Corps, a grass-roots movement supported by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Amateur Radio Operators (HAM)
Amateur Radio is a hobby. However, HAM operators provide a public service. People use ham radio to communicate across town or around the world, all without the Internet or cell phones. This is incredibly valuable in cases when all other communication services are unavailable, such as during a storm.
HAM operators will assist during public charity events. For instances, the SAG wagons used in a Bike Rally are generally fitted with high-tech HAM operator equipment. This provides safety services for the charity event and also provides the opportunity for the HAM organization to prepare for future extreme weather events.
Summer Preparation for Fall Weather
HAM and CERT organizations are only examples of the many volunteer organizations that use Summer charity events as preparation for when they need to mobilize during a severe Fall weather event.
These volunteers put themselves into danger to assist those in need. Each volunteer needs the equipment to help them stay safe. If you are interested in proper equipment, such as emergency lights, and safety apparel that help these volunteers do their job, contact Traffic Safety Direct. We love to answer questions and share our experience.